la Madriguera

Madriguera means 'den' in spanish, when I built this site I was living in a house that looked kind of like a den, hence the name.
Site Web Rating: Mature
I will be posting my stuff on this website, and despite all the cutesy things, there might be a few dark jokes, dark topics or straight up cartoon gore here and there, be advised!

About me


The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
The Art of Followership

Click [here] for my check-out list

Cool sites

GreenSadgirlCabbage sorter
Rock candyLolwut.infoDangerUCinni.netBlinkiesCafeAwesomesauce

My buttons

None yet!!

So what's up?

Welp, finally decided to work on this site (wowzers!), sadly right now I have no computer, only my good ol' thinkpad T400.

This cute little toaster cannot run photoshop to save it's life, so I decided to shake the rust off by rebuilding an ol' sunnyneo layout,
and here we are!
Maybe it's the nostalgia speaking but getting this neopets layout to work on an actual site was really fun! (I just realized the layout works fine without modifications if you just copy paste the whole code from sunnyneo too, oh well)

Update log

  • 26/03/2024
    •Modified the site links
    •New entry to webmaster's journal

  • 22/03/2024
    •Added awesomesauce3000 to Projects

  • 20/03/2024
    •Updated Projects page with new projects

  • 16/03/2024
    •Added SEX
    •Added more links to Software>Web services
    •Added more links to Interests>Games
    •Added more links to Interests>Art
    •Added more links to Fun
    •Added a new sites to 'cool sites'
    •Updated footer copyright

  • 15/03/2024
    •Added widget to About me
    •Updated aesthethic (• for >)
    •Added 'Reading/Watching' section
    •Added a new site to 'cool sites'
    •Added a link for my 'check-out' list.
    •Added aboutme page and linked to it
    •Added more links to Links>Software

  • 14/03/2024
    •Accidentally broke the CSS
    •Fixed the CSS
    •New entry in webmasters diary (Now deleted)
    •Added the main NavBar to the gallery
    •Updated Links page

  • 13/03/2024
    •Site index updated with neopets layout, wowzers!
    •Switched guestbook host for one that requires no cookies
    •Added a mood indicator for funz

  • 10/12/2023
    •New entry @Webmaster's diary (Now deleted)

  • 05/11/2023
    •Finished uploading all old art to the gallery!

Webmaster's diary

I been so busy lately, between working on personal projects such as awesomesauce and oldcore, my actual work and life, It's like a single day is not enough to do all the things I need to do.
Oh,I started a blog too, because of course I did.
I don't expect to post a TON on that blog, because writing posts that big takes a lot of time, but I may post something at least once a month.
Also, I realized there's scarce information on cool things you can do on your site, so I plan to start yet another project, a compilation of resources and things you can add to your site, or cool sites that offer such things.
All content on this site and it's sub-sites is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0