So what's up?
Well, I got back to my main computer and my HDD just died on me.
Meaning I will need to try and recover all the data on it, it's kind of a bummer, that HDD has about 15 years of data on it, I bet a lot of it is lost media these days.
What does that means for this site? Well, I will take a bit longer before updating pages like the checkout page, because I just lost the files... Thank god I finished the gallery, otherwise I'd have lost all my drawings.
Update log
Webmaster's diary

Ouf, I'm tired.
I spent a lot of hours setting-up the writings section and adding some of my writings, gosh that was a lot more tiring than I expected.
I couldn't even write the new post I wanted to write, maybe tomorrow I'll write the things I wanted to write there, and add more of my writings.
For now, it is what it is!
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