
Marsey is the mascot of Rdrama and WPD, she is a cute, chubby cartoon cat

I like cats and they like drawings so, I ended up drawing a ton of marsey thanks to this weird coincidence. So, here's all the marsey I drew


I drew this refsheet for myself originally, marsey has a lot of details that are hard to remember, especially after breaks

My plan was to make all major arcana and then move-on to the minor arcana tarot cards, but every card took about 3 days to complete and I felt like I was spending way too much time drawing marsey when I had other stuff I needed to take care of.

So, for now the project is in hyatus

This is the first marseytarot card I drew

Femboy marsey, based on that one doggy boy picture.

I wonder why some people get angry at the term 'femboy', I know some guys that self-identify as 'femboy' there's nothing wrong with that.

Based on a sticker that looks about the same but better

This is pretty much just me practicing inner-anatomy of a cat

Someone wanted a mix of Marsey and SCP682 to use as an avatar, I don't know why but I found the idea inspiring and spent the next 8 hours of the day drawing this. And damn, it's probably the best thing I drew till now

Marsey multiplying

I love candy skulls

This thing was a joke about fat marsey

Marsey is a weirdo


Avatar gift for a fren

More skull candies

Funkytown marseys

Redbubble promo

I had no job at the time so I gave it a shot, I didn't expect to actually make money with it tho, I just wanted to feel like I was doing something productive. So I set the prices at the lowest I could get them, It felt good for a while to 'feel like this was my job'.

The people on the site were quite negative about it so I got demotivated to continue, plus they wanted a lot of gore and I don't know, that's not really my style, just gore for the sake of gore

Marseyheadshot. I made this half for practice, half as a redbubble item. I like it for the practice but honestly, it is too brutish for me otherwise.


I was drawn to draw rubberhose characters for some reason, so I picked a lot of faces and began to draw the scene/body all based on the face. I wanted it to be funny but also dark like 'dumb ways to die' so I made them all about suicide methods.

I have to mention that I absolute do not condone suicide. Despite my haha funny attitude in the lines above this one, I was going through a lot when I drew these cats, and I was actually considering taking my own life. (Nowadays im fine btw, life is better now, dont worry)
If you're dealing with this sort of thought like I was, I'm sorry, from the bottom of my heart.


Trippy poison

Electric chair

C02 Poisoning

Helium asphyxiation

Self harm


Having a death wish

Gun suicide

This one is not actually a parody, but a tribute for this one guy. I felt bad for him, and I don't know, I felt like it was fitting to just draw him in here? Its something I would like if I were to die like that, for people not to take it too heavy and serious. Maybe I'm just weird




Lying on train tracks

Cop suicide


This is the first marsey emoji I drew, I didn't expect much of a fuss but people really liked it. The amount of praise I got from drawing this thing years ago is what started my drawing spree, I just loved to get love for my art, it was something rare for me to get.

I always felt like representations of the neuron activation monkey always fail to include that intense expression, it's like the picture is unique in the subtle, probably accidental details it has.

Evil grin

Hey chat what are you d-*splort*

Chat was always horny. I made this just to post it whenever I open the chat and everyone happens to be hornytalking

It is traced, of course, but damn did you realize how much detail went into tomy jerry? A single frame from this scene has an insane amount of detail, look at that liquid

An admin requested this


Gangsta marsey, regular

Lvl 100 gangsta boss marsey

Creepy eyes is such a nice picture, I need to make some of these myself for my own personal use. This was an idea I had

Picardía Marsey

This was supposed to be an extremely smug marsey but someone added it as :marseyturnedon:, I guess it makes more sense that way eh

I love this expression

MarseyFacepeel, I just thought it was cool honestly

Eye pull, cause I needed this expression

Sad marsey

Withered marsey

Prostate exam, this is the second marsey I ever drew. It's terrible

Marseymountainlion, this was a request.


I wanted to draw this in the vash stampede pose sort of like a parody where it goes wrong. For now it's just a doodle


These words are so similar, for the longest time I thought they were the same word