
Sometimes when I'm reading something, be it a book or a comic or a manga or whatever, I stumble upon a quote I like.

So I save them, for myself. Here's a collection of quotes I saved over the years


No hate towards furries, I just found this incredibly funny, the industrial manifesto on wikipedia


"You are so busy being you that youhave no idea how utterly unprecedented you are"

(From The fault in our stars)

"Art is not separate from life; it is the very description of the lives we lead"

(From 101 things to learn in art school)

"Release the fiend that lies dormant within you, for he is strong and ruthless, and his power is far beyond the bounds of human frailty.

Come forth in you savage might, rampant with the lust of battle, tense and quivering with the urge to strike, to smash, to split asunder all that seek to detain you. And cast your eye upon the land before you. Choose what road of slaughter you will follow. Then stride out upon the land and amongst the people. Kill with the devastating precision of your sword arm, maim with ruthless ingenuity of your pitiless cruelty, destroy with the overwhelming fury of your bestial strength, lay waste with the all-encompassing majesty of your power.

And stand supreme upon this earth, lord of all creation by the right of conquest. And burn what offends your eye, eradicate what spoils your pleasure, take all unto yourself and punish most cruelly and without mercy all who seek to stay your hand. For the world can be yours, and you can have your pleasure of the world through violence and the wielding of the sword. And your lust can stride upon the land, taking whatever it desires and discarding the empty husks when you have sucked them dry."

(From Satan On War)

"Sorry but I think your advice is overly optimistic, broad, and not really of much utility to people like you are responding to.

Firstly most of the points you bring up are sayings, like "look how far we've come." So what? I'm not the collective. I am a human being and what happens around the world is typically of very little consequence for me. You're romantisizing progress, asking one to look through rose-tinted glasses in order to see what is not there; the 'global identity' is a dumb idea, how is one supposed to form any meaning out of "I am the world and people's collective achievements."?

Man wants to identify with the infinitely big ideas but not the menial tasks of everyday life, yet, menial tasks is mostly what life consists of. When people try to see the world through a global identity, they will form no real feelings of personal identity. Hence why they don't know who they are."


"There is no Golden age and we are not moving toward utopia or an ever upward trending progress. In fact modern life is pretty regressive compared to the age of reason( a story for my present) Every man who lives thought they were the pinnacle but they are all dust and distorted icons used to make a story of our here and now."


"(...)also farts on cats for sexual pleasure"


"They get off on exposing you to sicker and sicker shit, and seeing how far they can get you to play along. If you are a cool girl and play along, you'll end up more fucked up than they are by the end of it."


"Today, I saw anon have a stroke but still manage to solve captcha and hit post. What an inspiration"


"Calling it meta-commentarry means you have to assume that this one specific pile of garbage is representative of a specific group, which makes him a direct insult and mockery. As his own character, he's simply unpleasant. As a representation of some subset of neets, he's insulting. As a direct attack on a tiny portion of the population interested in a specific cartoon horse, he's an irrelevant expression of some person's uncharitability with no relevance to culture in general.

If you get super specific, he stops having broad application and starts just being bullying. If you say super general in your application, he's just some dude. There is a tiny window of space where you can interpret him just right to call him valid social commentary, not meta-commentary, and that interpretation requires that you put a huge number of assumed motivations and personality traits on many people who don't deserve those assumptions.

Eventually, it stops being a commentary about 'neets' and starts becoming a commentary on 'person who will not work' which is simply a different problem. Even then, they attribute all kinds of undue motivations on their representative of that group, and then give a solution to the problem that doesn't work."


"Wow, whoever is wielding that cock has really poor aim."


"research is to see what everybody has seen and think what no one has thought"


"collective contagion states that whole groups can project collectively, so that their mistaken judgment passes officially for the acceptable description of reality"


"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, design a building, conn a ship, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve an equation, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.

Specialization is for insects."

(Robert A. Heinlei, prometheus rising)
