Random art

Random art is just that, random. Vent art, concepts, ideas, finished misc pieces, who knows. As long as it is not a doodle and it has no other place at the momment, it will end here.



Not gonna lie, I just wanted to draw a happy tree friends character with tits cause I wanted to annoy people. I find her really adorable tho

This is just an idea, and an excuse to practice drawing cat bodies.

I been into animation lately, I got this picture from some thread on /i/, animating it took a lot longer than I anticipated, I didn't want to spend two days animating this so, I just rushed towards the end. Animation takes so much time!

A Glegle, I really, really wanted to try drawing that hair, glegle was the perfect subject for my experiment

Pride month has such a colorful look, all pride, every pride, I added as many flags as I could here, even the hetero one that for some reason gets forgotten. Even though I don't like politics, this resonates with a personal view of mine; Be proud of who you are, your personality, your persona, your likes and dislikes, all of that makes up your person.

We only have about 80 years or so to roam this land, don't wait till you're at death's door to learn how to carry yourself

A pretty flower, sadly, it smells like corpses.

Just a rant about tags and algorithms. You can share your most genuine feelings but if you don't do well on the algo, no one will see it. So you are forced to either stop caring or play by the algorithm's rules to get noticed.

I don't really care about popularity, I don't wanna be famous, but I do find it sad when I see some post from someone sharing some raw feelings and down in the notes there's like 300 tags.

Of course, venting to strangers on a 'social' site is a terrible idea, but sad people be sad, they ain't thinking straight

I was feeling corneded when I drew this

These are all just feelings, and no, the text is not glibberish, I can read what it says, even though I update the runes so much, sometimes I forget the rules of the previous versions.

Pretty much why I was sad, angry and all that the past few months. Cat was sick :<

Dropping the computer entirely helped my mental health a ton, I unplugged the computer and left my cellphone on a drawer for like a month. The situation didn't change much besides my cat not being sick, but I somehow felt happier and less anxious. Lately I been using the computer to read, maybe draw, check emails and sometimes chat with a friend, and honestly, I been feeling a LOT better. I even got a job offer the past month!

I think part of the problem has to do with dopamine levels, that's why I ditched modern games too and am now playing only 199X games.

This is the updated version of the S4C logo, I realized the old one was too shallow and modern, I wanted it to stand out like old timey icons.

Check out the old logo


I like drawing faces, but also squiggles and a lot of colors

Hey, look, it's the Psychokitty!

Someone said this looks like an alien, I was thinking of an alien when i drew this 'anime girl'. They look weird, don't they

I just drew a chicken and felt like it lacked something

The original meaning of this has been lost to time. I remember I wanted to give it a weird effect tho, do your eyes get dizzy when you try to focus on it's face?

I got really into trollge videos for a while

Dunno, a feline and a lot of squiggles, I really like drawing dem squiggles

Aand sadness again, what a bummer. For a while I did draw only when I was sad. It's such a pretty drawing tho

This is not asking what is the point of life, it's just asking 'why should I keep on living?'. I don't know how to answer that question, but I don't feel like 'resting', this pic has a terrible aura.

I had this idea for a horror story about seeds that appear in dark places, I like it a lot, maybe I'll do something about it one of these days.

Someone was joking about a dark, corrupt hamburger helper, I found it hysterical.

This is just me trying to annoy redditors.

Nooo don't kill urself you're so cute aha

This is how all my problems started, like, last year. I don't want to make this a vent blog but damn I did draw a ton of vent art in the past

This is a comic about snails. The text is too small to read but you're not losing much, it's just about how death is sudden and unexpected, no matter who you are and what sort of life you live, death can show up at your doorstep at any momment.

I wanna make it known that this comic is a year older thanthe post about the rat, and it did draw no inspiration from recent internet events, it is the product of me thinking too much, that's all.

This one got pretty popular for some reason, I was sort of emulating Nekojiru's style here.

I have always felt insecure about how badly I draw bodies but Nekojiru makes it so simple, it gave me some confidence so I wanted to imitate her to learn


This is also me trying to imitate someone else's drawing for practice. I did add my touches tho

To the left is some weird animu style, middle is how I usually draw stuff and to the right is as close as I could make it to the original

Token sad picture, it's not that I am sad all the time, it's just that sometimes when I'm sad I draw and that cheers me up a bit.

A monster. It's been a while since I mess with photomontages.

Another monster

Yet another monster

Playing around with expressions cause I find them cute

Just a random drawing, felt like drawing something similar to an old drawing of mine, plus I started to feel like I was somehow losing my style, so I drew this.

I want to believe

This is a parody picture

This picture is quite old, I don't remember how old so it's here now. I think it's at least from 2019

Maybe I was hungry when I did these, I remember this image popping-up in my head so I just made it.


This is the last pic I drew on 2021. I don't even remember why I was feeling that way

I do remember that I was very into color theory, so this pic came to be

I really hate discord, for many, many reasons. Even then I have to use it, otherwise I can't talk to certain people. To this day I only open it when necessary, I can't believe they charge people for emotes, don't let me get started...

Eh, bad memories. Some people just make you feel like a teenager again

Good thing everything turned out fine

Even more drama, this one is pretty tho. I would hang this in some mysterious room in my house, if it had no text.

Well, shit, calm down. I think that's the first time I drew self harm like ever. 2021 was a weird year.

I saw a pic similar to this and I liked it, so I imitated it.

This is my recreation of some picture that popped-up in my head one day, I was wondering where it was from.

Turns out it's an icon from WoW, I used to play that a lot back in 2011 or so.


It's something about some game that's unfinished, I need to finish it one of these days.

I took an old picture and wanted to idk, change it so I did this. It looks like something you'd see on an acid tablet.

The cat took all the acid. This is how "Psychokitty" came to be, I thought it was funny.

Don't be silly, every artist is insane

I'm getting bored of sad pics now, jaded even. Still, this one was about idk insecurities or something, nothing that three years coudln't fix.


I didn't even play the game, but I wanted to draw this

This thing has no name. I wanted to draw a self-portrait. I failed misserably.

I got really into trollge videos 2

I had a weird dream so I made a video based on it

Same as before

A parody? Or some idea I was laughing about? I don't remember

This is an exquisite corpse

Aw that's so cute in a stupid way

Cream as the moon. I was making tarot cards of my internet friends back then

Treat as the sun

This is just a random person that I met, I liked their OC so I wanted to draw it, and I made them the star

I thought this was just sad art, but looking at it in detail gives me some terrible vibes. I don't remember what I was feeling when I drew it so I can't give any deeper insight.

I wanted to make this an enemy in a game

This is just some thing, I combined a few creepy pictures into this thing and organically glitched it, it's not as creepy as I wanted

A comic about a totally healthy obsession with colorful lines

I thought this drawing was too simple by itself so I added a lot of lines on the BG

This creature of the pink is very creepy, I do not like it. And it's meant to be, its an enemy in a game.

My secret crush on 216v0


I created this avatar sometime in the past just to prove myself I could design a good avatar logo thing if I really wanted to. In a way this is my personal seal.

I wanted to create a brand at some point, so I thought of a cool name, based on my candyman picture: Souls4Candy.

Check out the new logo

S4C is a personal brand that resonates with me. Problem is, what the heck does this brand produce? It needs to be something cool, I thought. But I don't make music, and I'm not a reaally good artist, and I'm using my own logo as a brand for my games, so I decided to make an arts and design shop using this brand, but I think it is not good enough, not yet.


Oh yeah I drew this in traditional cause I had no drawing tablet, most of my drawings were done with my mouse, I bought a drawing tablet in 2022

"I am actually quite contempt with my life, i just don’t show it all the time. What is drawing for me? Just a way to vent some rogue feelings that hit me sometimes. Who knows, maybe one of these days i’ll have the patience to draw something better, for now, my little creatures will go on haunting your every dream."

That was the original text with that picture, boy does it look bad from a third person perspective tho

"I bet lil neon hopes you had a good christmas, even though it (neon) might have arrived a bit late."

It's not even my oc, it's just a random drawing

"Top 10 sad anime rats

A sad rat, I drew this one cause I wanted to draw a body

Lines, many lines. A face over a ton of lines is a thing I figured out I really like to draw.

This looks like it belongs in a game, I don't even know what the text means, I never knew. I just felt like it was true.

I drew this the second christmas I spent away from my boyfriend.

I drew this cause it looks like something that would be on a shirt, I like it idk

A face over lines, again. I really like to do that, as always.

This pic is the first time I thought of representing emotional states using color, so I did just that all over this drawing

The candyman

This pic is actually corrupted, it got corrupted I mean. That made it look even better somehow

This was a gift for someone I met on discord, he was a fun person, the admin of the server hated rats so he started to ask people to put on rats as their avatars, he also had a pet bird, this is his pet bird all jojastic

"A dork"

I really like the colors in the BG, but I didn't like the girl over the colors so I drew another one

This person looks like lain, I don't remember why besides me liking how it looks.

Oh dear, if only you knew back then what the next three years would be like.


This was a gift for Zero

Back then at least it was just melancholic, and not sad

Well ok I was wrong, it was straight up sad too, gee, so much sadness.


I made this one cause I was learning how to make mountains, and then I was like 'yo, I should totally add some cute stuff to this'

Is nothing here? Yes nothing is here right now.

Vaporwave dudes

This is just funny to me

I have always felt like photomanipulation limits me a lot, my creativity, what I want to be able to create, so I drew this to express that frustration, mixing drawing and photomanipulation to get the point across.

I love how the moon looks, it is something I always loved. I used to be really lonely too, I had friends and all but even then, I always felt like something was missing. Watching the moon was something I did a lot too, till I fell in love with her.

Magenta, and pink skies, magenta is such a rare color, it does not exist in the real world, only in our own minds. There is no wavelenght for magenta. It is my favorite color for this fact. And pink skies, I just love the pink sky.

This is just a silly thing, cat sees no god up there, he must be god itself.

This is me making fun of /x/, and I did have fun to this day I find this pic funny

Dunk tank pink and calming cyan in a calm sea. I wanted to make this picture as calming as possible, did it work?

Oh, sky king. What a man you were.

Even though this society, this life told you your dreams could never manifest in the flesh, you took the reigns of fate by your own hands and forged yourself a short, but magnificent life. What a man, to not let anyone, nor anything stand behind him and his ambitions, no matter if death itself was to take him away afterwads, he did what he wanted to do, take one last flight and go down into eternity.

Sorry, I just find it beautiful, he did not hurt anyone in the process either, no one but himself. This man, and killdozer dude might as well be the heroes of the power of the individual in these dark times of corporativism.

I was owner of some discord group around this time, for like two months. It's a funny story, how I came to be owner of the server.

This picture just popped in my head one day all of a sudden, I did not draw back then so i had to do a photomontage to represent it, this is as close as I could make it.

I had a dream where I was owner of a second-hand clothing store, but I modified the second hand clothes and those modifications made the clothes a lot better, like, added cool features in general, so it was not second hand anymore but 'third hand' clothing. This was the logo of the store

I used to joke with a friend about this.

I don't know what to do, do you know what to do?

Such a common phrase

This pic makes the eyes dizzy

I edited a friend's picture to make this album cover

This is what you would see if you got banned from the C&C. The C&C was a guild I made a long time ago, we used to build and roleplay in ponytown and it was fun.


I was waiting for undertale to come out ever since it was first announced on steam...I never expected it to turn into what it turned into.


I didn't draw that pyro, I used to just take people's drawings and add stuff to them back then

This is pretty much as good as I could draw back then. Yeah that's the eye of Cthulhu from terraria and the monoculus from TF2. I was like 16 back then

I think slendy had lost most of his charm by now, but I still found it very cool, so I took someone's drawing of slendy and added some background and effects

This I actually drew, it was a gift for a friend. I had a crush on him back then, he liked reading prequel, he introduced me to prequeladventure (I read it to this day!) and I drew him this katia as a gift.

And a sad picture, because XD


This is the only pic I ever made on Gmod

The \GB/ Was my go-to group when it came to TF2 back then. It was the most fun I ever had with that game. They also had a minecraft server.

Some silly idea I had when I found out how to use this cool tool in photoshop.

I was really, really into ponies back in 2012, so I barely made any normal non-pony pictures.


This is DarknAngel123, she was my OC back in 2009 when I played a lot of neopets B)

I used to have this lil comic about her adventures on neopia, messing with the petpage was cool

I didn't even know english back then

Adventures yay

For whatever reason I called it troll screens, I swear I can't remember why

More troll screens

Even then I was interested in animation

I got this from a website that used to exist, they let you generate a 3d animated text and I thought it was so cool. This is the name of some guild I created in neopets back then, it was supposed to have some kingdom hearts style going on. I forgot about it like the next day.

I was truly a photoshop master back then

Showcazing my mad haxx0r sk1llz by paying homage to gorillaz

The hype for the curved brush was unreal

Back then I went by tortor23. Why? Cause my dad named the dog Thor, and I didn't know how to spell 'Thor'. Apparently someone else was named 'tortor' so I had to add a number and neopets just added a 23 there.