This program will generate a random Sir or Madame character name, it runs over Nox_RSG.
Sample output:
Sir Aidlay!
Since the word generation is random , it is not particularly fast. Woks best for words of 3 to 4 characters.
To call upon Nox_Speak, simply call the function with the following parameters: Nox_Speak(A, B); Both A and B being integers, A is the number of words to generate and B is how many characters each word will have.
#include "nox.h"
#include stdio.h>
#include ctype.h>
int main()
int name_size[] = {2, 3, 4}, i = get_i_value() % 2, j = 0, n = 0;
char *titles[2] = {"Sir", "Madame"};
char *name;
char charname[8];
printf("%s ", titles[i]);
if (get_i_value() % 2)
name = Nox_Speak(1, i);
while (name[j])
charname[j] = name[j];
if (get_i_value() % 2 && i < 2)
name = Nox_Speak(1, i);
while (name[n])
charname[j] = name[n];
charname[0] = toupper(charname[0]);
printf("%s", charname);
If you want to try it out yourself, you can download the full project below:
Download Char_NameTo compile it, just unzip the whole folder and do a "gcc *.c" on it, no dependencies.
It works best on linux, if you need to run it in windows use WSL or another emulator. It can work in windows but it will screw the RNG.