This program will generate a random gem loot based on Basic Fantasy RPG rules, it was requested by a friend.
Sample output:
You got: 2 Ruby Gem
Price: 2000
Press ENTER to generate a new item
#include "nox.h"
int Nox_RTD(int);
char *Nox_Random(void);
* main - entry point for the program
* Return: always 0;
int main()
char *material[] = {
"Fire Opal",
char *rarities[] = {
/** These values vary depending on the rarity
They are directly linked to it */
int price_rarity[] = {10, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000};
int quantity_rarity[] = {10, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2};
/** Actual vars that will be printed */
int price, quantity, rarity, luck, item_material;
int inNumber = 3;
/** Rarity */
rarity = Nox_RTD(5);
printf("You got: ");
/** roll lucky list */
luck = Nox_RTD(12);
/** If luck equals 12, rarity gets an extra*/
if (luck <= 2 && rarity > 1)
if (luck == 12 && rarity < 5)
/** rarity holds the rarity of the gem, as such
we can send the rarity to quantity rarity
to figure out how many we need.
So since quantity rarity gives us the max
we send that to RTD to figure out how many
we get*/
quantity = Nox_RTD(quantity_rarity[rarity]);
/** Calculate price based on rarity * quantity*/
price = price_rarity[rarity] * quantity;
/** Apply luck modifiers to price*/
case 3:
price /= 2;
case 4:
price /= 1.5;
case 10:
price *= 1.5;
case 11:
price *= 2;
item_material = Nox_RTD(15);
printf("%d ", quantity);
if (rarity < 5)
printf("%s ", rarities[rarity]);
printf("%s ", material[item_material]);
if (rarity >= 5)
printf("%s", rarities[rarity]);
printf("Price: %d\n", price);
printf("Press ENTER to generate a new item\n");
/** Debug messages
printf("%d\n", luck);
printf("%d\n", rarity);
printf("%d\n", item_material);
return (0);
If you want to try it out yourself, you can download the full project below:
Download Gem rollerTo compile it, just unzip the whole folder and do a "gcc *.c" on it, no dependencies.
It works best on linux, if you need to run it in windows use WSL or another emulator. It can work in windows but it will screw the RNG.