Nox RollTheDice (RTD)

This is a dice roller built atop Nox_RSG, it will pick random characters from a random string and try to come up with a random number. It is just a simple demonstration on how to transform RSG into a dice roller, and it is not meant to be a full program by itself.

Currently it is rolling a 50-sided dice, you can modify this by changing the ptr = Nox_RTD(50) value, just change the '50' for the number of dice faces. I would advise against running something other than a 100-sided dice in this version.

The number generated by the program is not actually a number between 1 and 50, but rather a random number created from the value of the ASCII characters picked. As such, you will probably never get certain numbers.

Code Snippet (main.c)

#include "nox.h"
char *Nox_Random(void);
int Nox_RTD(int);
 * main - entry point for the program
 * Return: always 0;
int main()
    int ptr;
    int i;

        ptr = Nox_RTD(100);

        printf("Roll: %d", ptr);


    return (0);


If you want to try it out yourself, you can download the full project below:

Download Nox_RTD

To compile it, just unzip the whole folder and do a "gcc *.c" on it, no dependencies.

It works best on linux, if you need to run it in windows use WSL or another emulator. It can work in windows but it will screw the RNG.

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