This program generates random strings with Nox_RSG, then it compares the output of said string with a dictionary to see if the string contains any of the words in the dictionary. If I remember correctly, the dictionary has words up to 8 characters, but the program takes an inmeansurably long time to generate a string greater than 3 or 4 characters, due to it's random nature.
I would advise against attempting to generate strings of greater than 4 characters with this program.
#include "nox.h"
#include stdio.h>
int main()
Nox_Speak(1, 4);
If you want to try it out yourself, you can download the full project below:
Download Nox_SpeakTo compile it, just unzip the whole folder and do a "gcc *.c" on it, no dependencies.
It works best on linux, if you need to run it in windows use WSL or another emulator. It can work in windows but it will screw the RNG.